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Rhonda's Thoughts





 Climate Science

 Universal Income


 Marijuana Hemp

 Deity Delusion


 Corporate Greed


 Cube Debate






Requires Stringent Regulation

Capitalism is not democratic. When government policy is directed by corporations in their own interest instead of the interests of society then government has failed in their obligation. There are some things that should always be in government control like health care and hospitals, public transport and transport infrastructure, social security and employment services, energy and electricity supply. When these services are place into the hands of corporations instead of remaining as government assets then society has not been served. The job of government is to further the interests of every member of society, to do this it needs to pass laws and regulations that restrict corporations and individuals from causing harm to both society and our environment. When a government fails to do this they are not fit to govern and should be democratically removed. Corporations and their greed need constant checks so red tape should always be in place to make sure they work toward societies benefit. This includes making sure that corporations pay their fair share in taxation for government to continue it's obligations to society!!

















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