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Abortion and one child policy

This is a very perplexing one. Our planet can not sustain a continuing population increase. However it is totally wrong just to kill people off or let them die from things that are curable. The only other alternative is to reduce the birth rate. China managed this with their one child policy which I believe saved much of their population from starvation and raised their country to now being an economic powerhouse. This would be doubtful to work in democratic countries where governments would be loathe to implement such a policy as they would never again be elected. This is exacerbated by religious zealots with anti-abortion rhetoric even when a woman is a victim of rape or incest. I believe a woman has the right to make her own choices in regard to her own body in the case of abortion, this does mean that she has that same right in the choice to have children as well. Education and availability of contraception would seem the best alternative however I have serious doubts if this would be enough to keep our population in check. I do hope that someone has better ideas going into the future!!

















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