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Rhonda's Thoughts




 Freedom From Religion

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 Universal Income


 Marijuana Hemp

 Deity Delusion


 Corporate Greed


 Cube Debate





Deity delusions are by definition delusional

Freedom of religion means you an individual is free to practice whatever delusional thinking they like. It does not mean they are free to force that religion on to others nor to enact laws based on that religion that do not comply with human rights. Freedom from religion means that those that do not suffer from any delusions about deities can point out just how ridiculous it is to believe in things without any proof purely on faith!

Many of those that follow religion keep saying "Prove to me god does not exist." They have got it wrong, there is not burden to prove the non-existence of anything. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim that something exists, in this case god. If something can be asserted to exist on faith then it can also be dismissed by faith. Until proof of existence is presented (religious texts are not proof as they are written by humans) then god can be reasonably and logically dismissed!

There are also those that say how can you be moral without god. If you can not be moral without a deity then you are not moral at all. So many that profess to believe in a deity are the least moral. Empathy is what is required to be moral.

 I would like to add here a congratulations to Charlie Hebdo for their courage in republishing the cartoons that resulted in many of their staff being murdered by religious fundamentalists ... that is one of the main problems on this planet today ... religious fundamentalists ... read an article about this here!!















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